
Are you looking to retrain for retail? Are you looking to start a completely new career in Hospitality? If you live in Berkshire and are Unemployed we have funding to provide you with employability training and a certified Level 1 Customer Service Qualification that will help you achieve your goal. Funded by Skills Support for […]

Berkshire Retail Career Starter Kit Read More »

Are you looking to retrain as a Chef, Bartender or Waiter? Are you looking to start a completely new career in Hospitality? If you live in Berkshire and are Unemployed we have funding to provide you with training and a certified Level 2 Food safety Qualification that will help you achieve your goal. Funded by

Berkshire Hospitality Career Starter Kit Read More »

Helping small businesses recover Berkshire Self-Employment Support Programme Funded by Skills Support for the Workforce from the European Social Fund, Skills for Progress are delighted to be able to offer small businesses support and guidance to help. The last couple  of years have been tough for small businesses, from the pandemic to the cost of living crisis.  Our free

Skills for Business  Read More »

Increase your knowledge, qualifications and develop your career while you work. Our child and young person mental health summer school was a huge success with our learners. Due to it’s success, we have been given funding to offer the same content as a FREE online programme to those in Berkshire education settings who missed out on

Child and Young Person’s Mental Health Online Programme Read More »

Prepare for your next steps with our employability and people skills boot camp Wether you are starting college, or university, an apprenticeship or a job, this Virtual Summer Skills Camp is for you!The Virtual Summer Skills Camp is designed to give you a distinct advantage when starting college or university. Not only helping you to

Virtual Summer Skills Camp Read More »

Kick start your career – secure a Traineeship today. Many young people are approaching the summer filled with enthusiasm and drive, but no clear direction of where to go or what to do next. Choices about further education or employment loom ahead and many people are concerned with wasting an opportunity by heading in the

Traineeships for 19-24 year olds Read More »

Help Kick start the career of Berkshire school leavers and college students We are looking for Education and Childcare settings to host enthusiastic school and college leavers who want a career in your sector. A placement with you will help guide them through the early stages of their careers and support them to understand what further

Offering traineeship placements Read More »

Helping educational staff recover from the impact of the pandemic Limited time remaining as the funding expires soon! A scheme for school and college staff to help: Recognise mental health difficulties in children and young people Improve support for those experiencing difficulties Support other staff to reduce staff absence Reduce presenteeism Increase retention There can

Berkshire Education Mental Health Training Package Read More »

Helping those who have found themselves out of work – increasing the likelihood of securing the role you want Losing your job is hard enough, without there being a pandemic. We want to help get you back into work and minimise the impact for you and your family. Funded by Skills Support for the Unemployed

Berkshire Employment Support Programme Read More »

Helping those who have found themselves out of work – increasing the likelihood of securing the role you want Losing your job is hard enough, without there being a pandemic. We want to help get you back into work and minimise the impact for you and your family. Funded by Skills Support for the Unemployed

Berkshire Way to Work Programme Read More »