Employment Skills Confidence Rating

1. I know what customer service is and what good customer service looks like.
2. I know how to write a CV.
3. I understand the importance of following instructions in the workplace.
4. I know how to complete a job application form.
5. I know how to find jobs that are relevant to me.
6. I feel confident preparing for an in-person or online interview.
7. I can undertake problem solving in the workplace.
8. I recognise what good speaking and listening in the workplace is.
9. I know how to write a CV.
10. I know the importance of following instructions in the workplace.
11. I feel confident in completing a job application form.
12. I know where to find jobs that are relevant to me.
13. I have undertaken an audit of my own personal skills.
14. I feel confident preparing for an in-person or online interview.
15. I am able to solve basic problems in the workplace.