Post-pandemic People Management

A refresher course for existing managers who are in-work or out of work and returning to the workplace on the key post-pandemic considerations of managing a team. Based on research and surveys identifying the difficulties that managers are experiencing in the post-pandemic workplace.

This is a one of a kind course, other providers are busy teaching the old skills, we train you the skills you need now!

Richard Daniel Curtis

Presented by a leading expert in “soft-skills”, Richard Daniel Curtis, the course is presented in 10-15 minute videos to help the experienced manager reflect on their previous experiences and how they need to adapt them to suit the post-pandemic era. As you watch each video you will be given tasks to complete and self-study, the course in total will take 35-45 hours, but will change your management style for ever!


Due to the post-pandemic related contents, this course is suitable for supervisors, team leaders and managers.

Out of work managers

  • Get up to speed
  • Evidence recent CPD
  • Understand how to manage new teams
  • Reflect on how the pandemic has affected staff
  • Show new employers that you are ready

Working managers

  • Understand the staff behaviour you are dealing with
  • Reflect on how to address staff needs
  • Utilise your team better
  • Be a more effective manager
  • Show your management that you excel


The course covers the following topics:

  • Active learning
  • Mindset
  • Mental Health Awareness
  • Team Working
  • Diversity
  • Remote Teams
  • Communication
  • Problem solving


Single payment


Payment plan

per month for 6 total payments