West Sussex Children’s and Young Person’s Mental Health Training

Supporting teachers, preschool workers and education support staff to face the mental health challenges of the modern education sector.

Skills for Progress are delighted to be able to offer residents of West Sussex the skills, support and guidance to face the challenges of the modern UK education sector. This free support is available for those who are unemployed or those who are employed and want to get a promotion.

Skills for Progress are a team devoted to helping you progress in your career and overcome barriers that hold you back. Using bespoke online training presented in multiple 15 minute bite size courses. Our specialist training is designed to fit around your commitments.

Free training

This training is fully funded by West Sussex County Council, and free to you and your workplace.

Upskill yourself, support your colleagues and the students you support, while learning mental health and wellbeing skills to care for yourself, allowing you to be the best version of you. Understand and identify the symptoms of a challenging workplace so you can build up your resilience and overcome whatever you face.

Select one of the following three funded courses:

1: Mental Health Awareness

  • Module 1 – What is Mental Health?
  • Module 2 – Factors affecting Mental Health
  • Module 3 – Common low-level Mental Health Problems
    • Stress
    • Burnout
    • Anxiety
    • Depression
    • Addiction
    • Recognising Mental Health Difficulties
  • Module 4 – The impact of Mental Health difficulties
  • Module 5 – Ways you can help others’ Mental Health
    • What does emotional holding refer to?

2: Self-esteem and Confidence

  • What does self-esteem mean?
  • What factors can affect self-esteem?
  • What is personal confidence?
  • What are the benefits of confidence?
  • How can confidence influence other people’s perceptions both positively and negatively?
  • How can you help build someone’s self-esteem and confidence?
  • What are the potential impacts of building self-esteem and confidence?

3: Supporting Social and Emotional Development (suitable for Early Years and Primary)

  • Social and Emotional Developmental Models
  • What are the social and emotional needs of children across childhood?
  • How and why do children behave in particular ways?
  • In your role, how can you meet the social and emotional needs of children?
  • What are the benefits of helping children to feel positive about themselves?
  • How can you encourage positivity in the children you work with?

4: Young Person’s Mental Health (suitable for upper Primary, Secondary and FE)

  • Recognise how children’s mental health is affected by events in their lives;
  • Understand factors that can affect the severity of mental health difficulties;
  • Recognise actions they can take to overcome wellbeing concerns in children and young people.

CPD Certificates

At the end of each course you complete a short online quiz and you can then download a CPD certificate for each course.


Access specialist CPD

Specialist skills and knowledge to support you in your education career

24/7 access – courses are pre-recorded in 10-15 minute bite sized chunks

Completed in as little as 1 day!


To be eligible you need to:

  1. Live in West Sussex
  2. Have a right to live and work in the UK
  3. Be over 19

How to apply

Please complete the form below to be sent the funding registration paperwork. Only once this paperwork (sorry) is received will we confirm your training.

There are currently 20 places remaining.

West Sussex Mental Health Signup

This form is the first stage in the application for funded training. After you complete this form, we send you the funding registration form and the documents you need to supply when we have more funding.

As a reminder, you need to be over 19, live in West Sussex and have a right to work in the UK.

Hopefully, I’ll see you soon!


General Courses
Age-related Courses (one only)
I confirm (you will be required to evidence these)

When you submit this form you will be emailed the formal West Sussex form. Only once this and the evidence requested (address/right to work) have been received is your place confirmed on the training.