Advanced Job Seeking Library

So, you’ve got to find a job, got a CV, know how to complete an application form, but do you know how to make your application and interview sound like you are perfect for the role? The Advanced Job Seeking Library starts with the assumption you know how to do it, but that you want to make your application, CV or interview stand out and make your unique selling point clear to show you are the perfect candidate for the role.

Watch the library introduction:

Job seeking

Advanced content to help you make decisions in your job search, CV and application to give you higher chances of standing out from the crowd.

Applications and Interviews

Advanced content to help you to reflect on how you are evidencing the skills required in your CV, job application and interview.

Development Courses

Short courses to enhance your journey, such as giving online or in-person presentations for job interviews, job hunting as a project, managing stress, mentoring or coaching.